Update 2.25


-Player are now redirecting directly into the game after validating their email address through the validation link;
-Improvement of the happenings: the production of resources and favours displayed in the game now consider the bonus generated with the happening tool as well.

- Fixing the possibility of mixed up attack order when one task is failing (1 min delay problem);
- Missing closing anchor tag fixed in restart confirmation email;
- The players could restart unlimited times from the email link because the beginners protection was not considered;
- Mass-mail CAPTCHA is still not working reliable, we added better error handling and changed caching behaviour;
- Players could get the wrong daily reward bonus on day 30;
- Some input were wrongly "validated" when trading resources with Phoenician merchant;
- Capacity bar was not properly updated after sending resources on the trade window;
- Date on awards was not updated while reaching the next award level;
- Previous owner of a city wasn't able to cast spells on support anymore, while being occupied;
- The window when being conquered was not refreshed correctly when switching between towns being conquered as well;
- Missing info about troops on commands when attacking farm villages;
- Fixed doubled text after saving your alliance profile including
- Unit forces were not properly updated in farm window;
- BBCodes of ghost town names were missing on published reports;
- Players could send resources to a banned player;
- It was not possible anymore to report a message if it was on the second page;
- On the start page, item links where shifted when the news text was too short
- The world map was showing additional transparent flags;
- Some windows in the game were blocked after getting an error message;
- When changing god, the mythical units placed as support in a town were still displayed in the troops list;
- The cursor was jumping to the beginning of the message when using a BBCode on IE9;
- Illusion spells in command overview was showing a swordsman;
- Casting wisdom on an illusion was not updating the viewed commands;
- Troops outside overview was not updating properly after sending units back;
- The call back of some troops button was not working on IE7;
- The militia hint has been removed from the maximized forum;
- BBCode button for images has been removed in alliance profile.

Hero world bugfixes:
- Damage done by "Improved Catapults" were missing in public reports on hero worlds;
- Improved catapults were doing damages to buildings even after death;
- The favor icon was missing on published reports;
- The atlas statue on hero worlds was cut.

Mobile related bugfixes:
- Some screens of the mobile version were not fully translated;
- Alliance names over 20 characters are now shortened automatically;
- If no worlds are available for the mobile version, a notification is now displayed to the player;
- Additional info have been added on the main page (relevant for Korea only);
- No attack notification was created when sending attack with the mobile version.​