Update 2.21


-Culture screen should show notification when using gold
-Center the own player in rankings
-New Daily Bonus system

-Recruit overview: Harbour button opens the towns barracks window
-Recruitment overview: cannot build myth units
-Recruitment overview: unit number display error
-Market: Window title not updated when switching from different window to the market
-Accounts might be restarted without password
-Impossible to rename town if old and new name are similar numbers
-Hide: No confirm button visible while typing value to store
-Feedback message are missing
-Alliance internal announcements don't refresh after saving
-Market place demolish shows incorrect reimbursed population.
-Unified world selection at registering time
-Fixed possible way where vacation start on game world but not on master and other worlds
-Outer troops overview: Not updated when sending back entire supports
-Town groups - The text in town groups hint is inconsistent

Mobile related:
-Created plain HTML page where player can choose web or mobile version