Update 2.19


-New night graphics are implemented for the map
-Premium: Reimplemented the names of players next to the town names in the command overview
-A crown is displayed in player profiles if they won the world with their alliance
-The refund popup in barracks and harbors now shows the resource icons and gives better feedback about the refund
-After a founder of an alliance is deleted now the first found leader takes the founder rights
-Now links to the wonder or the island are shown in new wonder related reports

-Added an option allowing the current active city to be centered on the map when players switch their town
-Added an option to disable the night graphics

-In some cases the city overview didn't come up after clicking on it at the menu when it was minimized
-Capacity didn't update properly when players wanted to send resources to world wonders
-Fixed issues with countdowns in world wonder windows
-In some cases negative ranking points were shown in profiles of players
-The city was not changed if players wanted to attack a new farm village from the farm overview
-Language related characters messed up town listing
-Units and resources were displayed on top of each other in command overview
-Fixed a bug where the 'Go to' function in city menus didn't show the array in all cases
-In several cases farms and wonders were not shown on the map when players scrolled their map
-A wrong town link in the command bubble list was shown for besieged towns
-In several cases the browser crashed if the agora was minimized and the town was switched
-Fixed an undefined subject in world wonder notification
-Invitation of friends did not work properly
-Fixed the translation of research points description which was not fully translated
-Fixed a bug where world wonders disappeared from the map
-Player now can see properly the players he invited in his list
-Fixed a bug where world wonders were missing in the world wonders overview
-Fixed command overview which was sometimes broken/empty
-The behavior of the towns list was not the same on different web browsers
-In some cases players could not add spells on attacks
-Fixed an issue where the attack planner showed missing or doubled cities
-Senate was not updated properly after activating curator
-Fixed a bug where players clicked through their villages and landed in sea 1
-After players conquered a city incoming attacks on that town were not shown properly
-Attack farming village dialog did not update the population bar on unit changes
-Fixed a bug where autologin was not resetted after players changed their password
-Fixed an issue where units from an attack plan were not inserted in the attack window properly
-After a post was deleted in the alliance forum the player was directed to the first entry and not to the bottom
-Fixed an error where the scrollbar was missing in the trade reports window
-When maximizing the alliance forum some forums were hidden at the bottom
-The date of the awards sometimes differed from the info in player profiles
-Fixed an issue where in several cases no resources were granted after email verification
-Facebook users got an error message about wrong password when they tried to restart
-Players no longer receive more than one notification for the islands owned award
-Commands which lied in the past were not deleted from the command overview
-Fixed bug which produced negative unit counts
-Fixed some translation errors
-Added some missing graphics
-Fixed some style issues in IE7

Mobile related:
-Implemented device detection for mobile devices
-Farm town claim load values were not correct
-Fixed problem with FightReport when attacker should not be able to see defending units
-Fixed issue for Grepo Mobile where the unread count of messages and reports was not fully correct
-Refactored multiple requests of grepo mobile into a single one
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