**Suggestions** - Claims like in TribalWars


Yesterday I posted this message but for some reason it appears to have been deleted (why?)

I would like to see a claim system in Grepolis like in TribalWars. It is very cumbersome to have to claim in forums and also likely to result in errors when people miss a claim and accidently conquer a city someone else claimed. Would it be hard to implement something like that in Grepolis 2.0?



Yes I know. That's the first I posted but I posted it wrong and it seems I can't delete that myself. So they should delete *that* thread. Not this one.


There is nothing wrong with the way you posted it there. It was deleted here as is a suggestion and this section is the wrong one for suggestions such as that. I have responded your other post. If you wish to continue the discussion on the subject feel free to do so on that thread.