**Suggestions** - Alliance Forum


1) A way to tag each forum tab with an automatic time out. For instance, if I make an tab that reads "Claims" then would be nice if I could set an automatic time out of a week on it. Thus the forum would to whatever degree one wished, 'autoclean' itself once the timeout values were set.
a) In an ideal world it would auto sweep the timed out posts into a forum manager/leader tab viewable only tab of "Archives".
b) Have the archive file with a way to delete several pages at once, rather than having to cycle through page after page after page deleting one at a time.

2) Currently, unless I am senile (and I may be), this new tabbed system does not have any sort of highlight on the active tabs. If there is one I cannot see it, nor find any way to "turn it on". That is beyond annoying to have to click through every single tab to find which one contains the new active thread I have been notified of on the game UI.


To your point #2, no the tabs do not currently highlight as they do in the old version.


It would also be nice if we could have more lines for the forum (like the old version) instead of the arrows. It is a pain that once you have arrowed over to what you wish to read and click on it, when you are done you must re-arrow back.

Thanks for all the new things in 2.0


currently when shifting tabs the tabs only move for 100px, i think it would be more useful when rather than moving for a fixed amount of pixel, to move so far that only new tabs are visible

for the forum it would help if the arrow would also be highlighted when there is a new post in a forum that's not visible with out moving the tabs
that's why i suggested this


I like the auto sweep idea.

1. After 3 days if claim has not been posted on, delete it.


This is why you need to chose an active Forum Administrator for your alliance. To clean out the forum of junk and incomplete claims on a daily basis.