Unconfirmed Publishing multiple reports

Ingame Nick: Draba Aspera
Affected world(s): zz7
Browser: Chrome
Reproduction steps:
  1. . Have multiple attacks on your support in another player´s city (I don´t know whether the report type matters)
  2. . Mark the latest reports in order to publish them in the alliance forum
  3. . Notice that the "multiple" publishing function does not work unless you refresh the page prior to trying. The issue then also occurs for older reports.
Detailed error description (What you see):
While the publishing of multiple reports still works fine on zz2 (where I have no new reports to share at the moment), the feature seemed to be broken on zz7 last night and this morning while a series of new reports kept coming in. Works again after refreshing the page but after a few more incoming reports the problem is back.

How it should be:
