island quests


Hello everyone!
I got a good idea for all players.
Becourse of the islandquests schema ->

This gave me the idea to do 3 things
Nr 1 get them faster (8 hours is damn long for a small reward like that)
Nr 2 new rewards for the quests
Nr 3 same quests on the sea (maby you can get bireems as reward or fireships in small ammounts)

Nr 2 the new rewards i was thinking abouth these:

The mystic infantry can be 1 or 2 in a hour becourse thay can be overpowerd.
The resources are just usefull for everyone and everyone would love them.

I hope you will concidder to do this!

Best wishes

(Sorry for my poor english)
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About the Island quests
Why cant grepo make a way to give them away to fellow teammates like whe do with godfavour
Its not Always you needs it and its a nice way to help a fellow member (pop)