Acknowledged Island Quest: "The Chariot Tournament" can not send troops.

Scoot ER

Browser: GC
World: Zz2

The Island Quest; The Chariot Tournament, will not open a screen allowing you to send any troops. The screen opens to an empty box near the upper left corner of the larger Island Quest page. This box does this with all cities on the island.

How It Should Be: When selecting the opting to send troops, you should have a screen that lets you see the available troops to send. You should then be able to dispatch the troops you want to complete the quest.


that probably affects all quests where you have to send troops
zz2 Firefox

Intrigue of the Merchants



This issue can be manually fixed by deleting your local browser cache in settings. You can use this as a workaround until the issue is fixed by devs.

Thank you for your patience!
Image Pasted at 2020-10-8 14-10.png