Improve FARMING even more!


Farming is greatly improved in the beta game; however it would be nice if there was a feature to FARM ALL (owned) FARMS with a few clicks instead of having to farm each of the 8 farms.

Perhaps this could be achieved by having an icon (or maybe even using the spot which allows you to build a wonder).

Most of the time, I farm for the same length of time in all 8 farms. This is time consuming as your number of cities grows beyond 20.

So a way to farm all 8 at once would be ideal for those of us who want to focus more on game play and less on lots of clicking.

This would also be convenient when the server seems to be running slowly, or because our own link speeds from home are not fast enough.

Another thought is that this could be a feature you get after choosing such a feature in the ACADEMY.


This to close to an automated function. The Developers purposefully avoid having features that automate to much of the game play, as this decreases the amount of interaction the players have with the game. Once you grow beyond a certain size farming becomes less of necessity, so the amount of clicking will decrease naturally.


This to close to an automated function. The Developers purposefully avoid having features that automate to much of the game play, as this decreases the amount of interaction the players have with the game. Once you grow beyond a certain size farming becomes less of necessity, so the amount of clicking will decrease naturally.

I have grown a lot so far in world 3 and I agree that once you grow to a certain pointing clicking the farming village because less for generally most players BUT I think you will find that the reason for that would be a combination of what you have said and because it takes too much time especially if you are trying to conquering many towns while you are online. I know that I would use my farming villages more even NOW that I have grown a lot if it consumed less time to build resources to allow more time to spy out my surrounding and to coordinated attacks for conquering.


This to close to an automated function. The Developers purposefully avoid having features that automate to much of the game play, as this decreases the amount of interaction the players have with the game. Once you grow beyond a certain size farming becomes less of necessity, so the amount of clicking will decrease naturally.

Sigismund, you only have one city. If you actually tried to play the game properly (like us addicts - lol) and had say 50 cities by now, you might better understand what I am saying. I QUIT playing the game Evony because of the farming. Too much time spent farming and not enough on gameplay.

If I control 8 farms (or whatever number) I should be able to farm them all with 2 clicks. The down side to this might be that the amount I COULD get from farming individually might be more. In other words the MAX 25 500 space available for resources might not be enough if I farm ALL 8 at once, but that's the decision I would have to make.

REMEMBER - This is a BETA ... try it out and see what the feedback is from players.

OR perhaps make it available once a player reaches a certain number of cities (vills).

I'm over 60 cities now ... and farming is getting pretty boring.

It would be NICE to have some REWARDS for players who reach certain milestones in regard to the number of cities they have.

There are players leaving the game left and right at the moment ... You've got to be willing to try new things to keep them interested in the game.

OTHERWISE, what are you guys going to do with all the servers that are only being used by 10 - 20% of players?

Are there plans to MERGE servers like they do in the game Evony?

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Evony, you said it all.
I am developing arthritis by clicking all the farms and i am going to send the doctor's bills to InnoGames in Germany. :wink:


Evony, you said it all.
I am developing arthritis by clicking all the farms and i am going to send the doctor's bills to InnoGames in Germany.

First, its your choice on farming. As stated by some players, generally farming is not necessary for players later into the game. I don't think Innogames will change the farming design, its pretty popular with a lot of the players anyway, and would require unnecessary quantities of coding and effort. This could be better spent on new features


On the 'regular' game forums, there is an idea in the 'Development' forum that basically outlines an idea to allow farming of all 8 villages once you've conquered all 8 of them on the island. This will give players an incentive to conquer the 8th village and reduce farming times. I highly recommend you go review the thread and post there to further promote the idea.


New farming works well

I applaud the added feature of being able to farm all 8 farms on an island......but please sort the cities listed (and islands) by alphabetical order of the city names (not by island numbers as it currently is).

And for those of you who state as you grow farming is less important are not playing the same game.

I have over 100 cities and since required CP for a city slot increases by 3 for every city you need 3 CP in EVERY city to get a new slot.

This is a lot of resources and victory parades will not get you there.