Concept: New Awardsystem Greposcore


Dear Players,

As a part of our early concept sharing strategy, we want to share some insights into our new feature the Grepolisscore which is one of the thing the team is currently working on.
It focuses on awards as they have been a barely visible part of the game for a long time. As once mentioned by you, now we want to make them much more visible upfront and enable you to specifically hunt for new awards. While unlocking the award or a new award level on a game world you will then earn different number of Grepolisscore for your account.


But what about all the awards you have unlocked until now?
Knowing that we have a lot of active Grepolis Veterans we want to make sure that all awards you have unlocked until now will be added to your Grepolisscore. Including those awards from worlds that have already been closed. This means that the total Grepolisscore is calculated globally and that it can be increased by playing on multiple worlds. Therefore, you will be rewarded with Grepolisscore again when you unlock the same award on another world. You will be able to check the number of Grepolisscore you have earned on other worlds via info page too.


Is there more stuff accompanying it?
Yes. In addition we can inform you that we are going to add more than 100 new awards in the context of the Grepolisscore to the game. This will make hunting, completing and unlocking awards for the Grepolisscore even more interesting challenge. There are different kinds of awards planned, plenty of which will require some tactical cleverness, some other will cost a lot of effort and there are others you will achieve by playing over a longer period of time. Here are some of the new ones.


More details will come soon, but we love to hear your thoughts now, so share them in our feedback thread.


Part II

Dear Community,

Some days ago we have shared the first part of our concept for the new award system called “Grepolis Score”. First of all, thank you for all your feedback. This helps our Game Designers to further improve the concept.
In our first part of the concept, we explained why we started working on this feature and how you can earn Grepolis’ Score Points. We also mentioned that we will add plenty of new awards. This is where we want to continue in this second article about Grepolis Score.

Award categories
All awards can be viewed in our new “Grepolis Score” window. You can check which awards you already achieved and which not. As we will add more than 100 new awards, we thought putting them in different categories might help for having a better overview about your awards. So, we will have “Daily Awards”, “Combat Awards”, “Empire Progression” and more. The different categories are listed on the main screen of “Grepolis Score”.


On this image you see the main screen of “Grepolis Score” with your global Points in the top middle. On the left, next to your points, there is always the latest award displayed you achieved.
Below we see the different award categories with its name and points you earned in this category. The exclamation mark you might recognized next to the category name will be displayed to inform you that we added new awards to this category.
If you click on a category you will enter another screen with a list of all awards of this category.


Here you can check which awards of this category you already achieved and where you can still earn Grepolis Score Points. Awards which you don’t own yet are indicated with our typical chains on top of the award image. Just hover over the image in order to find out what you need to do to achieve this award or a higher level of an award.
Each level of an award credits you with Grepolis Score Points until you reach the total number of Points that is displayed on the very right side of each award. The number of Points you can earn increases with every level of an award.
Not all awards will give you the same number of Grepolis Score Points as some awards are more difficult to achieve than others. Awards of the “Combat” category for example give you more points than awards you might achieve by playing our events.
In order to let you quickly switch the award categories we implemented a drop down menu in the top right corner of the screen.

What happens to old awards?
Since many of you asked what will happen with all your achieved awards, which cannot achieved any longer? Those unobtainable awards will be displayed in an extra category. Although nobody can get these awards any more, they will stay in the game and also provide you with Grepolis Score Points.

We hope you are looking forward to achieving the new awards and to comparing your Grepolis Score Points with your friends. For sure you will be able to show your Points via bb-code in your profile.
As usual our Game Designers and we are curious about your opinion and thoughts about this feature. Please share your feedback in our feedback thread.

Your Grepolis Team