Changelog 2.316


Community Manager
Grepolis Team
Changelog 2.316

Dear Community,
you can find here a list of the changes and bug fixes that have been gradually deployed on beta for these versions.

New Features and Changes

  • We have added UX improvements to the Rota event


  • Fixed a Captcha issue when registering through the invitation link
  • Fixed an issue where the extending outside the tables ladder
  • Fixed the issue where the window focus didn't change when a siege was going on. It will stay in messages or forum post rather than bringing the siege window back to focus.
  • Fixed an issue where there was wrong highlighting of a forum tab after jumping to a city
  • Fixed the tooltip for Olympic games and festivals which showed a wrong amount of run time on fast paced worlds. This didn't have any impact on the actual time, just the tooltip was wrong.
  • Fixed the issue where Inactivity deletion was broken for multiple city start settings
  • We adjusted the artifacts on the players profile (removing some space) to show the slider better

mobile bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Trade and spells window was not parallel and usable
  • Fixed an issue where some heroes no longer were displayed and upgrading was hidden


We hope this update will meet your expectations.
If there is anything you would like to talk about, we are looking forward to it in the feedback thread, and in case you notice a bug, you can let us know by opening a new thread in the bug report section.

Best regards,
Your Grepolis Team
