Battle points at the Agora


Hi, a little question about showed BPs at the Agora... Why in UI (under hero coins) and battle rank it is updated immediately but here it is not? Is it due to huge pressure on a server?


Hi, a little question about showed BPs at the Agora... Why in UI (under hero coins) and battle rank it is updated immediately but here it is not? Is it due to huge pressure on a server?

In the past (when we implemented the agora which happened a long time ago) it was designed like that on purpose, mainly because of two reasons:
1. Performance issues (as you already assumed)
2. People shouldn't be able to gather information about killed units when they lost (because they were hidden in the reports).
Both reasons aren't valid anymore (as we introduced the live ranking and the wall also tells you a lot about the killed enemy units).
That's why we decided to change that behavior while re-working on the new early game - so we also noticed the issue and are currently tackling it :)
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