attack warnings for fellow alliance members


i was thinking if your in an alliance and your attacked you have to send out a tonne of messages and also right in the forums to ask for support when you come under attacks yes?

well what about a system that allows you and your fellow members to see any attacks that are incoming to any of yours or other members cities so weather your online or offline they can send support to that city if able to, it is fairly easy to do as fair as i can tell and i dont know if you are aware of the game called kingsage (sacrilege to name another game not by innogames i know) but they have it set up there

this is how it works - if you are part of an alliance there is a flag on the right hand side of the screen, if it is showing that when you click it it comes up with a list any attacks that are incoming on any member but also any outgoing attacks from any fellow member of the alliance. and i thought it would be a good idea to see weather you guys would be able to do this as i feel that it would help the alliances help each other out a lot more and become stronger within the alliance, but it also means that everyone will have to fight even harder to take a city.


put a new tab in Command overview for alliance attack and support. And people can chose who can see there. and chose who's they want too see. with option to chose who can see you can do not just in alliance but any one or anther whole alliance.


no no no please!!
There are already way too many advantages for defenders, let's rather try and find some ways to aid attackers!


this works both ways for defenders and attackers as you can see who is attacking your fellow members, so you can help them defend their cities but at the same time attack the attacker so as they then loose out as it will mean that their attacking cities are possibly defenceless due to the attacks they are sending out. so with that you can make a huge advantage to your alliances in taking out the attackers

but this only works for alliances not single members because if you are on your own then you wont get this advantage to counter any attacks


So in what way would this be an advantage for the attacker? All I can see is that the defender can get more support due to the alliance seeing the attacks, and at the same time the attacker is exposed to attacks from the enemy alliance. What am I missing?


if you are at war and trying to take down players who just constantly are able to take your cities willy nilly, when ever they attacks you know that you can attack those cities with the rest of the alliance as then you can take that players cities due to the fact that it wont have much defence in due to them concentrating on attacking they wont be able to defend the counter attacks with ease, i know this as have done it myself on kingsage many times while one player defends their cities i go after the attacker and clear that city and take it over, or atleast have wiped out a tonne of their defence with my counter attacks


Well, I still don't see the advantage for the attacker from the original post. What you describe in your last post basically has nothing to do with your suggestion: It's a matter of playing style whether you stack your offensive towns with defense or not. And on the downside: While your alliance gets alerted if you get attacked, your opponent's alliance gets alerted as well when you counter attack his attacking town and thus he has the same defensive advantage as you do to get his town filled up with defense quickly.

Sorry, but I still don't see an advantage for offensive players :p


thats the thing not everyone will see the advantage for both sides but kingsage have had it since the game started and thats been about 3.5years now and it works really well so i thought i would see if the mods thought it might be a good idea if not then no worries


Sorry, but I still don't see an advantage for offensive players :p
Is a wall advantage for offensive players...
This attack warnings can help defensive and offensive. some one could attack your allies city. then an offensive player can attack the city it came from which will have less defense. and some you is defensive could defend the city getting attack so It just a warning.
Some else you could thing about some offensive player have more advantage, is a spy you can see incoming and outgoing troops. also could find away leaving a spy in there and coin slowly used until spy captured.
some else could be a assain which could kill troops and building like of Rome total war and with use of spy can attack troops moving from a city and the warning for alliances.


how about you balance the fairness out by making it so that AFTER the attack lands alliance members of the player that was attacked would get an auto message, example:
Subject Urgent Message sent from city
Message Your majesty we were attacked by an army from city under the command of player. Our king is away on other conquests please send support in case this fiend returns.

Or if being conquested

Message Your majesty an army from city under the command of player has pierced our gates. we fear if aid is not received this city will be lost!

The attacking player and city name would show up in BBC coding for prompt response by allied members.
Sometimes players would be away for a couple of days. This would allow allies to respond if online.
This feature would also depend upon the size of your silver stocked in the town cave of the town being attacked verses the silver amount stocked in the attacking players cave. If the player being attacked has more silver in his cave than the attacking player then and auto message is sent to all his alliance members AFTER the attack has landed. One could say that in the midst of the chaos a single rider was able to escape in search of aid.
Now if the attackers "luck" is high then the attacker gets a report or auto message.
Subject Intel
Message It is rumored that during the attack one managed to slip away. It is safe to assume allies have received word of our attack. Perhaps we should prepare for a retaliation.

Or if attacker launched attack as conquest

Message It is rumored that during the attack one managed to slip away. It is safe to assume allies have received word of our attack. Perhaps we should send more troops to support our conquest or call upon our allies to help ward of any incoming support from our enemies.

Also you can implement if any player the has a city located on the same island as your can tell if you are being con quested because it would show up as a town engulfed by flames and smoke till the conquest is completed. That way if you are friendly with another player they can send you aid even if they are not in your alliance. Only players that live on the same island that you do can see whether or not your city is being attacked.
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