"About Grepolis' Translation to Other Languages"


As you know, the speed of the Grepolis' translation was very fast in the first month or so.Looking at that, me and my other Turkish friends went on a wait for the Turkish Grepolis, which we thought would be very short with that rapidity.However, we realised that Grepolis has fallen to a long sleep on translations for about a month.The last translated server (the Dannish), -I guess- opened at 17th of March.And today is 15th of April. I think it is enough proof that Grepolis really slowed down the translating, or it may even prove the staff stopped it.Will you continue the translations?I'm asking to the Grepolis admins from here: If yes, when must we expect the second wave of translations?

Thanks for your help.


Ja, ıch denke auch. İnder Türkei gibt es viele Menschen und alle Menschen mag spielen:D
Grepolis ist der schönste wie The Wes:smile:t