
  1. Not a Bug/Cannot reproduce Attack limit

    Hi there Today, I got banned from attacking, aparently there is a limit on how many attacks one is allowed to send. I know this sounds contradictory, but I am really sorry that I send all those attacks and I promise to do a penance, but I really need this ban to be lifted from my shoulders - I...
  2. Report merge

    It's nice that we have only one report from attacks on our supports from multiple cities, but it is still annoying me that when I support one of my cities with troops from another one and somebody attacks, I always receive two reports. Can it be like if I support A from B and A is under attack...
  3. Automatise attacks

    Hi. Attacks Planner is a good feature but it would be wonderful if instead of just showing an icon on the right screen side, it also were capable of triggering the associated attack without manual intervention.