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  1. better covenant world

    Domination Complex have a chance. And we have a chance to :-)
  2. World Wonders (Sandbox 2)

    I haven't got error.
  3. World Wonders (Sandbox 2)

    NAT tu doit écrire en anglais ! NATHATIS has wrote : Good evening, so do not start wonders if I followed? It's just a beug of 'the era in Wonderland "? Because you have already six months of existence to enter the era of wonders (in principle!).
  4. Sandbox 2 plans

    Yes it's true ^^
  5. Sandbox 2 plans

    It's true. But the ROMANIA UNITED are much... The wonders are easy for him...
  6. Sandbox 2 plans

    You are the best in 44 but we are 2° in the world :-P
  7. Sandbox 2 plans

    The world wonders was started :-) Good luck Die Germanen, Domination Complexe and ROMANIA UNITED, "Les Frenchies" are here :-P
  8. Coins Heroes

    But to put 3 days to have a hero, it would be connected 24h/24h. But the suggestion is not initially mount the number of coins quests for all servers but only one to have the time to test the hero.
  9. Coins Heroes

    I did not pay attention to the coins received but on the window of the quests is scored 2. This is not the problem ^ ^ It should receive more coins by quests islands make a coin counter that increases over time.
  10. Coins Heroes

    So let's talk about mathematics: 1 quests Island = 2 coins 1 hero ≈ 100 coins So for less than 10 000 points is two coins every two hours, which is 100 hours for one heroe if we do all the quests ...
  11. Die Germanen

    Do you speak English in this forum ? Because we not all speak German.
  12. Sandbox 2 plans

    "Les Frenchies" will won the world :-P
  13. Coins Heroes

    If the problem going to be resolved, my suggestion can be closed. Thank you Draba Aspera.
  14. Coins Heroes

    Hello to all ! I make this suggestion because it is difficult to get coins to buy heroes. As a test server I suggest earned between 50 and 100 parts per night for better test heroes. For: Neutral: Against: Regards, Erz0x. P.S : Sorry for my English...
  15. Settings für New World --> ZZ2

    I agree on the fact that we can not test the hero due to a lack of coins.
  16. World Wonders (Sandbox 2)

    Ok thank you ^^
  17. World Wonders (Sandbox 2)

    Ok so this will be corrected?
  18. World Wonders (Sandbox 2)

    When start the world wonders in Sandbox 2 ?
  19. Sandbox 2 plans

    No flood :-)
  20. Sandbox 2 plans

    A world speed 5 is already good, I think.