Recent content by jonathan de grote

  1. Ahimsa

    no we are now on sandbox 7 in north east
  2. Feedback: Update to version 2.150

    so much information
  3. Top 12 Sink of Swim

    I don't grow in points now I just maked a big army
  4. Ahimsa

  5. Introduce yourself! 2.0

    I play grepolis already 6-7 years (now I am 14 and become 15 thee 17th of october) I play the game always with my own ally and I am most of the time in the top 10% never thought I'd be top 100 here BUT I WAS TOP 1st THIS IS CRAZY) I like grepolis because of it's a game to play for 3 years per...
  6. Top 12 Sink of Swim

    I'm lucky lol I'm 2nd place world
  7. Active chat ?

    nop on the dutch servers it takes 6 hours or 8 hours it's from world to world... kolonisating is also said on the wiki for 24 hours here it is 12 hours...
  8. Not a Bug/Cannot reproduce app + ally flag

    I have the problem that sometimes on my app every blue flag (my ally) becomes a green flag this is only on sandbox5 it isn't really annoying but in the rules they say §6) Bugs The game is not a final product and is in constant development and improvement, as such it is expected that errors...
  9. Ahimsa

    We are ahimsa from nothing afraid we have nice pacts and most of us are dutch... we all talk english too we are going to take this world join us now Ahimsa Knower from your power :uhh::uhh::uhh::uhh:
  10. Active chat ?

    someone knows how long it takes for a revolt